Sunday, 13 July 2014

Week 4 - Pebble dash, unleashing the floors and plumbing.

The first stage of removing wall paper revealed this beauty....If you cannot have bricks, why not have brick wall paper........

 The extension has now been rendered with the lovely pebble dash to match the rest of the house.

The builder spent a lot of time organising the plumbing ready for the kitchen to be in stalled in a few weeks time.

As well as the flooring, we removed the wall paper ready to re-paint

At the same time, we took off the paper from the wall, ready to repaint after the parquet has been sanded, stained and sealed.

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Week 3: Electrics 1, Roof Structure and Damp Treatment

The first thing to happen in week 3 was that the stud work started to go in. This is a later picture as you cas see the first fix electrics going in as well.

Another picture of the steel and the ceiling has been batoned. Finally, towards the end of the week, the roof structure has gone on the extension.

The other news is that the damp proof people have been in and injected the old walls. Hopefully that is the end of the dust!
More updates to come for week 4 now we have a bit more time.

The Rest of Week 2: Steel Beam and Walls Going Up

Week 3 and Matt disappeared to Glastonbury! Luckily Katie was around to take some pictures!

The first major development is that the steal beam went in and we got rid of the props...

After the steal went in, the walls started to go up outside. Half way before Matt got back.